Category Archives: SYSTEM

[Linux] Configure and Secure SSH

[Linux] An initial shell script

Linux Professional Institute LPIC-1&2

Introduction to Linux I

Introduction to Linux I, prepares you for certification Exam 101 and covers: system architecture, Linux installation and package management, GNU and UNIX commands, devices, Linux file systems, and file system hierarchy standards.

Slide: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/a3cj5ou1as58g/Introduction_to_Linux_I

Refer to Linux Essentials

Slides of Linux Essentials

NDG Linux Essentials is designed for learners who are beginning to build Linux knowledge for a career in IT.

  • Learn basic open source concepts.
  • Understand how Linux is used and the basics of the command line.
  • Apply skills using Linux virtual machine with step-by-step and hands-on lab activities.
  • Build foundational knowledge for progressively mastering Linux commands.
  • Connect with the global Cisco Networking Academy community.

Slide: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/cbivt2r0cd6hb/Linux_Essentials

Refer to Introduction to Linux I